Saturday, September 25, 2010

"BIG SALE and more" Party!!!

When did it finally get to me that my life is changing?
Maybe it happened, when I realized that the date I was planning to have my "BIG SALE and MORE" party is on October 1st '10.
As I was writing down the date 10.01.10-
my heart skipped a's a SIGN!
The date 10.01.10 is perfect. I will explain why I think this is.
I always had my relationships with numbers-prime numbers in particular are among my favorites...
See for yourself: I was born on the 13th, my mom on the 11th, and my son on the 7th.
In school, on the student list i was always number 13. And we lived in the apartment #13 until i was 11...
Then at the University my ID number was 1111.
I can't tell you how many times I would look at the clock and see 11:11 or 13:13...
I can go on and on...airplane confirmation numbers, credit cards numbers, telephone numbers, addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, all those supposedly random numbers that are thrown at us. Are they just a fluke, or maybe there is more to it than meets the eye.
I can't help myself but pay attention to numbers that I am surrounded by. Also, the repetition of numbers and/or symmetry of their combination make me think that the universe is sending me a message. Car plates, for example-if I see a plate number "3113" or "1331"-that would be a sign!
You will ask me what sign? Honestly, I don't know...but I feel like it means something.
My life is changing-dramatically-on the 10.01.10-so come to my "BIG SALE and MORE" Party and witness it for yourself.

For more info,please cut and paste into your browser window

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was born 1/4/1977 .. that's 29 if you add it together. I feel 29! You're right!